Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Senses of Sound and Taste!

Senses of Sound and Taste
(Thank you Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Manzov for these FUN activities!)

Loud and Quiet Snack Sort
There are a couple ways to play the loud and quiet snack sort.

1. When your child isn't watching you take some Easter eggs and fill them with different snacks (examples: cereal, raisins, little marshmallows, dried fruit, fruit snacks, pretzels, little carrots, small cubes of cheese).  Have your child shake the each egg and decide if it makes a loud or quiet noise and sort it into the proper category.  A link in the email has a quiet/loud sorting activity you can use to help them sort of you can write quiet and loud on different pieces of paper to help them sort. After they have sorted loud and quiet they can guess what is inside the eggs and open them up for a snack.

2. Another way to play is to put all the snacks on a plate and let them bite into each one.  Ask your child as they try each snack is it a loud or quiet snack? Does it make a lot of noise when they bite into it or chew it (like a carrot) or is it quiet (like a marshmallow)?

During the activity, you can also discuss with you child what the snacks taste like!
Sort Loud or Quiet
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​Sound Listening Activity with visuals.
Sound Listening Activity with no visuals. 
Sort Hear or Taste
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