Language Learning Activities:
This link includes activities and games to help your child utilize language to interact with you using books, games. magazines and daily activities like, setting the table, taking a bath, etc. Also included are fun rhyming activities, activities with blocks and a laundry basket!
This link includes activities and games to help your child utilize language to interact with you using books, games. magazines and daily activities like, setting the table, taking a bath, etc. Also included are fun rhyming activities, activities with blocks and a laundry basket!

Listening games and activities for preschoolers:
"Listening skills are critical for language development and reading. Children learn new vocabulary and expand their sentences and grammar—all thanks to listening. Poor listening skills might result in difficulty following directions and difficulty learning new words and constructing grammatically correct sentences.
Listening involves paying attention to environmental sounds, music, conversations, and stories. Below are a few listening activities and games that target the components of listening that were mentioned above."

11 Auditory Processing Activities You Can Do Without Spending a Dime!

"In these following directions activities you can ask the kids to both do as you say and do as you do. Before every session, remind your students what it means to follow directions and why it is important. Understanding the
importance of following directions is the first step!"
Easy and Fun SPEECH Crafts for kids!
their therapy sessions. Magic would be helpful, but since we don't have that, we
often use toys, games, movement and sensory experiences."
"Crafts are also perfect for speech therapy because they invite repetition, create
structure, and produce a tangible reward for task completion. Crafts are wonderful opportunities to allow children to ask for help, make requests,
and use sounds and words for accomplishment. Also, they are simply fun!"

Some of our favorite educational APPS:
*Tiny Hands
*My First Apps
*Autism iHelp
*Shiny Kids
*Cubic Frog
*Cookie Doodle
*Different Roads