Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Senses of Sound and Taste!

Senses of Sound and Taste
(Thank you Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Manzov for these FUN activities!)

Loud and Quiet Snack Sort
There are a couple ways to play the loud and quiet snack sort.

1. When your child isn't watching you take some Easter eggs and fill them with different snacks (examples: cereal, raisins, little marshmallows, dried fruit, fruit snacks, pretzels, little carrots, small cubes of cheese).  Have your child shake the each egg and decide if it makes a loud or quiet noise and sort it into the proper category.  A link in the email has a quiet/loud sorting activity you can use to help them sort of you can write quiet and loud on different pieces of paper to help them sort. After they have sorted loud and quiet they can guess what is inside the eggs and open them up for a snack.

2. Another way to play is to put all the snacks on a plate and let them bite into each one.  Ask your child as they try each snack is it a loud or quiet snack? Does it make a lot of noise when they bite into it or chew it (like a carrot) or is it quiet (like a marshmallow)?

During the activity, you can also discuss with you child what the snacks taste like!
Sort Loud or Quiet
Download File

​Sound Listening Activity with visuals.
Sound Listening Activity with no visuals. 
Sort Hear or Taste
Download File

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Mommy Speech Therapy....SUPER speech therapy resource!

Mommy Speech Therapy

The speech and articulation worksheets as well as the other downloads on this page have been created by
Heidi Hanks, M.S.CCC-SLP, and are property of Mommy Speech Therapy.

This website is an AMAZING resource for both
therapists and FAMILIES alike!

And, it is FREE!

Check it out!

Mommy Speech Therapy

The Process of Articulation Therapy
If you have any questions on how to use the articulation worksheets,
please read Heidi’s post The Process of Articulation Therapy for additional information.
A link is here: How to teach speech sounds

Watch Mrs. Berman using the speech cues for the Alphabet Song!

Your child(ren) will be able to follow along while YOU can learn the cues to practice with them!
THANK YOU Miss Provost!

Speech Cues for AA...apple...aaa!

Don't Forget Teddy Bear Day!

Nation-wide Teddy Bear Hunt: Why teddy bears have been showing up ...

Go on a Teddy Bear Hunt throughout the town of Charlton!
Monday, March 30, 2020!

How many teddy bears will you see?


Wednesday, March 25, 2020


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These handouts are a wonderful resource for parents and caregivers!  They are designed for home practice to help support the areas of communication, pragmatics, language, articulation and fluency.

Articulation word lists targeting specific speech sounds in various word positions are also included!

Speech and Language Home Practice

Children's books to encourage speech and language development

Children's Classics Easy Pack - Image 1 of 1

Use children's books to focus on, practice and reinforce different speech sounds!  If you click on the link below, you will see on the left side a filter.  Open the "speech sound" filter and you will see a list of different speech sounds.  Click on the sound you want to focus on and an array of children's books will appear!

If speech sounds are not your focus, there are language filters to choose from including concepts, rhyming and grammar!

During this time, cuddle up with a great book and read!

Children's books to reinforce speech sounds

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Speech and Language Learning Resources to support you and your child at HOME!

Image result for daily living activities images

Language Learning Activities:
This link includes activities and games to help your child utilize language to interact with you using books, games. magazines and daily activities like, setting the table, taking a bath, etc.  Also included are fun rhyming activities, activities with blocks and a laundry basket!


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Listening games and activities for preschoolers:

"Listening skills are critical for language development and reading. Children learn new vocabulary and expand their sentences and grammar—all thanks to listening. Poor listening skills might result in difficulty following directions and difficulty learning new words and constructing grammatically correct sentences.

Listening involves paying attention to environmental sounds, music, conversations, and stories. Below are a few listening activities and games that target the components of listening that were mentioned above."

Image result for listening images free

11 Auditory Processing Activities You Can Do Without Spending a Dime! 


Following Directions Activities that Anyone Can Learn From | HomeSpeechHome.com
"In these following directions activities you can ask the kids to both do as you say and do as you do.  Before every session, remind your students what it means to follow directions and why it is important.  Understanding the
importance of following directions is the first step!"

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Easy and Fun SPEECH Crafts for kids!

"Speech therapists are always searching for ways to keep kids motivated during
their therapy sessions.  Magic would be helpful, but since we don't have that, we
often use toys, games, movement and sensory experiences."

"Crafts are also perfect for speech therapy because they invite repetition, create
structure, and produce a tangible reward for task completion.  Crafts are wonderful opportunities to allow children to ask for help, make requests, 
and use sounds and words for accomplishment.  Also, they are simply fun!"

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Some of our favorite educational APPS:
*Tiny Hands
*My First Apps
*Autism iHelp
*Shiny Kids
*Cubic Frog
*Cookie Doodle
*Different Roads


Keep practicing your speech sounds with this video!  Your child/children should be very familiar with this song!!  They listen and practice along with it every therapy session!  You will be amazed at how well they work through this!  Feel free to use this daily! 
Thank you Miss Provost!