Monday, June 15, 2020


I scream! You scream! We all scream for

New tech for ice cream making
What do you like?

Do you like hard ice cream or soft ice cream?
(I like soft ice cream!)
Do you put sprinkles or jimmies on top?
(I put jimmies on top!)
Do you like a sugar cone or plain cone?
(I like a plain cone!)
Do you like chocolate or vanilla?
(I like vanilla!)

Explore the History of Ice Cream | The History Kitchen | PBS Food

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes - Sugar Spun Run


Enjoy your ice cream!
Have a wonderful summer break!

Monday, June 8, 2020

The Ocean

Image result for under the sea images

Follow the directions and watch the underwater scene “come to life!” 
Directions involve color, size, position and underwater items!
Have you ever opened your eyes underwater? 
What have you seen?

Color, cut and glue activity! 
Create an ocean animal book while practicing
positional concepts and underwater/ocean vocabulary! 
Add your own drawings of other underwater and ocean 
items that you might see as well!

Image result for baby shark image

“Baby shark….doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo!” 
Practice CVC words and initial and final consonants
while creating your own baby shark with pop-up pictures! 
If articulation is not your goal,
then consider practicing phoneme segmentation,
rhyming and/or describing by category, function,
appearance, parts and location.  


Monday, June 1, 2020

Watermelon and Summer!

2016 clipart summer, 2016 summer Transparent FREE for download on ...

Let’s get ready for summer! 
How many vocabulary words do you already know? 
Can you describe the picture using color, size and/or how you use it?  

Practice using the pronouns “he, she,they, him, her, his, hers”
in these summer-themed worksheets!

watermelon clipart | Use these free images for your websites, art ...
Practice the /k/ sound at the beginning and end of words. 
Before you cover the picture with a “seed” (or thumbprint)
say the word 3 times using your BEST speech!

Color in the watermelon “seed” while practicing
different VC; CV; CVC; CVCV; CVCVC words structures!
Remember to use your BEST speech!
Extend the word to a simple phrase
by adding “my” or “big” or  “one” or a color word! 
Put it into a simple sentence
by adding the words “I see a.” 
Keep practicing and building
your speech and language skills!